The contibution of Dark Age, Feudalism, and Renaissance period in physical education

      This period “Dark Age” is referred in history of the fall of the Roman empire in
A.D. 476. It was known to be dark age because of the war, destructions, and death brought by such fights. The strong Teutonic barbarians overruled the lands that experienced glory and grandeur. The invasion brough about the lowest ebb in literature and in learning. Some philosophical aspects started to go down which creates a poor living to many.

Movements during Dark Age

  Ascetism a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures, often pursuing spiritual goals. Many religious traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and some Christian groups (for example, the Desert Fathers) include practices that involve restraint with respect to actions of body, speech, and mind. The founders and earliest practitioners of these religions lived extremely austere lifestyles, refraining from sensual pleasures and the accumulation of material wealth. They practiced asceticism not as a rejection of the enjoyment of life, or because the practices themselves are virtuous, but as an aid in the pursuit of physical and metaphysical health. They eschewed worldly pleasures and led an abstemious lifestyle. 

    Scholasticism. It has a belief that the most essential items in one’s education are facts: that the key to a successful life is the development of the mental or intellectual powers. This belief which was held by the scholars at the time down from generation to generation  so that scholasticism as a movement presented a challenge to physical education. An effect of this de-emphasis on physical activity was that the institutions associated with early Christianity would not allow physical education to be one of the important subjects in their curriculum.
  Basically, these movements affected tremendously physical education. There is an increase in the concentration in other aspect, and physical education was left insignificant.

Age of Feudalism
      The Physical Education during the Age of Feudalism” The period of Feudalism come into the being often the death of powerful ruler Charlemagne in 1814, it was a system of land tenure that based upon the allegiance and service of the nobleman or lord which owned everything. 

         During these times, the sons of the lord or nobleman had two choices - to train for the church and become a member of the clergy or to enter chivalry and become a knight. The latter was a kind of education that was physical, social, and military in nature. A boy who was going to train to become a knight had a long physical training. At age of seven, a boy worked as a page to some noblemen. He learned court etiquette, waited on tables, ran errands, helped in household tasks. However, during the rest of the time he participated in various forms of physical activity which would strengthen and harden his body for rigorous tasks ahead.
         At the age of 14, the boy became a squire and he was to be attached to a knight. While a squire, his duties included keeping a knight’s weapons in good condition, caring for hishorses, and helping him with the armors. During this stage, there was more emphasis made on more vigorous and rigorous physical training such as swordsmanship, horsemanship, shooting with the bow and arrow, wall scaling and climbing, among others. Knighthood was conferred on him at age 21 after proving his fitness to become a knight. Physical education played a major part in the training for knighthood. This, however, was for self-preservation only.

Renaissance Period

    The Renaissance Period helped to interpret the worth of physical education to public in general. The belief became prevalent that physical education is necessary for health, as a preparation for warfare, as a means of developing the body.
       Also known as rebirth or revival of the learning helped interpret the worth of physical education to the public. This came after the dark ages which lasted until the beginning of the modern times. In this time, people were given the chance to learn and renew their spirit of nationalism.In physical education, the theory that body and soul are inseparable and indivisible became so much popular. It was the belief that good physical health promoted learning, and that rest and recreation were needed by the body after study and work. 
        The significance of physical education was clearly shown to the people during this time. It is the belief that it was necessary for health, as a means of developing the body, as a preparation for warfare, and a means of providing recreation for the wealthier classes of people. But it fails to recognize the importance of physical education to the aesthetic value, social, mental and moral life. 


SUBMITTED BY: Jamaica B. Reluya BSED-          BPE1 block A

SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Rostico Tolibas
SPEC 104 - PE


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